
View the Project on GitHub rs3lab/SynCord

Table of Contents



SynCord repository contains the source code of SynCord framework and the benchmarks we used in the paper. This is the directory structure of the SynCord repo.

  ├── src                  : SynCord source code
  |    ├── concord
  |    └── kpatch
  ├── benchmarks           : benchmark sets used in the paper
  |    ├── will-it-scale
  |    ├── fxmark
  |    ├── metis
  |    ├── levelDB
  |    ├── xDir-rename
  |    └── lockstat
  └── scripts              : script to run qemu


SynCord-linux repository contains the linux source code modified for the SynCord as well as static lock implementations compared in the paper. It has six branches:


The experiments in this artifact are designed to run on a NUMA machine with multiple sockets and tens of CPUs. The result shown in the paper is evaluated on a 8-socket, 224-core machine equipped with Intel Xeon Platinum 8276L CPUs. The machine runs Ubuntu 20.04 with Linux 5.4.0 and hyperthreading is disabled.

Getting Started Instructions


The easiest way to reproduce SynCord is to use QEMU with our ready-to-use disk image. In this guide, we introduce how to quickly setup an environment to run SynCord using the disk image. There is also a section guides how to create the disk image from scratch.

1. Download the disk image and SynCord repo

Download the compresssed disk image here. Once you finish downloading the file, uncompress it using following command.

$ pv vm.img.xz | unxz -T <num_threads> > ubuntu-20.04.img

In addition, clone the SynCord repo.

$ git clone

2. Start a QEMU virtual machine

Start qemu with following script. The script is also available under SynCord/scripts/

[Dependency] You may need following commands to install qemu and execute it without sudo.

$ sudo apt install qemu-kvm
$ sudo chmod 666 /dev/kvm
$ ./qemu-system-x86_64 \
	--enable-kvm \
	-m 128G \
	-cpu host \
	-smp cores=28,threads=1,sockets=8 \
	-numa node,nodeid=0,mem=16G,cpus=0-27 \
	-numa node,nodeid=1,mem=16G,cpus=28-55 \
	-numa node,nodeid=2,mem=16G,cpus=56-83 \
	-numa node,nodeid=3,mem=16G,cpus=84-111 \
	-numa node,nodeid=4,mem=16G,cpus=112-139 \
	-numa node,nodeid=5,mem=16G,cpus=140-167 \
	-numa node,nodeid=6,mem=16G,cpus=168-195 \
	-numa node,nodeid=7,mem=16G,cpus=196-223 \
	-drive file=/path/to/downloaded/syncord-vm.img,format=raw \
	-nographic \
	-overcommit mem-lock=off
	-qmp tcp:,server,nowait \
	-device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6 \
	-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 \
	-netdev user,id=hostnet0,hostfwd=tcp::4444-:22 \

The command starts a virtual machine with 128G of memory and 8 NUMA sockets each equipped with 28 cores, results in 224 cores in total. Please adjust the numbers and path to the vm image for your environment. The script opens port 4444 for ssh and 5555 for qmp.

When you face the grub menu, just wait for 5 seconds, then the guest will be start with default 5.4.0-stock-syncord+ kernel.

The provided disk image contains one 30GB partition holding Ubuntu 20.04 and one 20GB partition for experiments. There is single user syncord with password syncord, who has sudo power. Use port 4444 to ssh into the machine.

$ ssh syncord@localhost -p 4444

The home directory already contains both SynCord and SynCord-linux repo.

	├── SynCord           : SynCord repo
	└── SynCord-linux     : SynCord-linux repo

3. Pin vCPU to physical cores

The port 5555 is for qmp which allows us to observe NUMA effect with vCPU by pinning each vCPU to physical cores. This step must be done before measuring numbers. Run the script to pin the cores. Here, num_vm_cores is 224 with above example.

$ python2 ./SynCord/scripts/ 5555 <num_vm_cores>

[Dependency] Since the use python2.7, you might need following commands to install pip for python2.7 and psutil package. If you didn’t change the kvm permission in above step, run following commands and above with sudo

$ sudo python2 ./SynCord/scripts/
$ python2 -m pip install psutil

Once you start the VM, let’s check you’re on the right kernel version.

(guest)$ uname -r

If you see 5.4.0-stock-syncord+, you’re all set and now it’s time to use SynCord!

4. rename lock profiling

One of a simplest example of SynCord usecase is lock profiling. Let’s profile a rename_lock.

The VM image already has compiled policy program, we can just execute it!

(guest)$ sudo mount bpffs -t bpf /sys/fs/bpf
(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/output/lockstat
(guest)$ sudo ./eBPFGen/lockstat
./eBPFGen/lockstat_kern.o loaded
/sys/fs/bpf/lockstat_to_enter_slow_path loaded and pinned
/sys/fs/bpf/lockstat_lock_acquired loaded and pinned
/sys/fs/bpf/lockstat_lock_to_release loaded and pinned
hashmap pinned
(guest)$ sudo insmod ./LivePatchGen/livepatch-concord.ko
(guest)$ sudo ~/SynCord/benchmarks/lockstat/get-lockstat/get_bpflockstat

Then, you’ll see following results printed on your screen but there’s no profiled data yet.

       lock addr     contentions     con-bounces     acquisition     acq-bounces   wait-min   wait-max   wait-tot   hold-min   hold-max   hold-tot

Let’s use a rename lock by executing following commands.

(guest)$ touch file
(guest)$ mv file newfile

See the profiling result again,

(guest)$ sudo ~/SynCord/benchmarks/lockstat/get-lockstat/get_bpflockstat

           lock addr     contentions     con-bounces     acquisition     acq-bounces   wait-min   wait-max   wait-tot   hold-min   hold-max   hold-tot
  0xffffffff82608584               0               0               0               0          0          0          0       4923       4923       4923

You could try mv command several times to check how the profiling result is changed.

To disable the profiling,

(guest)$ sudo ~/SynCord/scripts/

To make sure the uninstallation is complete, check the dmesg | grep concord and find livepatch: 'livepatch_concord': unpatching complete message.

Detailed instructions

The following table summarizes graphs shown in the paper. Each row represents underlying lock while each column shows lock policy.

The first three rows are static implementation of stock (unmodified linux v5.4), CNA and ShflLock, and the following three rows are dynamic implementation using SynCord. All six versions are available as branches of SynCord-linux repo.

We recommend you to start by testing the static lock and reproduce graphs before jumping into the syncord. This step can confirm that your environment is suitable to show the NUMA effect.

  NUMA-aware AMP SCL Profiling per-CPU RW
stock Fig 5 Fig 7 Fig 9, Fig 10 Fig 13 Fig 12
CNA Fig 5        
ShflLock Fig 5 Fig 7 Fig 9    
stock-syncord       Fig 13
Guide E
Fig 12
Guide F
CNA-syncord Fig 5
Guide A
ShflLock-syncord Fig 5
Guide B
Fig 7, Table 4
Guide C
Fig 9, Fig 10, Table 3
Guide D

To switch between locks

To switch between underlying locks (i.e., rows in the above table), you need to switch the kernel.

The provided vm image already contains all six version of kernels so you could just select using grub menu.

Benchmark usage

Below table summarizes benchmark used in each figure. All the benchmarks locate under ~/SynCord/benchmarks.

Benchmark Figure / Table
will-it-scale Figure 5, Figure 7, Figure 12
FxMark Figure 5, Figure 7, Figure 13, Table 4
Metis Figure 12
LevelDB Figure 5, Figure 7
xDir-rename Figure 9, Figure 10, Table 3

Please make sure you pinned vCPU before measuring numbers.


Will-it-scale is a micro benchmark in the kernel space. We used lock1 and page_fault1 in the paper.

Open ~/SynCord/benchmarks/will-it-scale/ and set desired cores to test in data_points. This would be the x-axis of the graph. For example, we used following lines to test on the 224 core machine with 8 sockets each equipped 28 cores.

data_points = [1,2,4,8,16,28,56,84,112,140,168,196,224]

To build and run pagefault1 workload,

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/benchmark/will-it-scale
(guest)$ make wl=page_fault1
(guest)$ python3 page_fault1
(num_cores, num_nodes, cores_per_socket) = (224, 8, 28)
# core,total,fast,slow

The first line of the printed message explains the number of physical cores, numa nodes, and cores per socket. The second line shows how to interpret following numbers.

We took the first column(core field) as x-axis and the second column(total field) as y-axis to generate figures in our paper. The fast and slow indicates throughput breakdown for the first half cores of each socket (core 0-13, 28-41, ..) and the second half cores (core 14-27, 42-55, ..) for the AMP machine.

It’s worth to check how the throughput decreases after the threads count exceeds a socket(>28) on stock linux.


FxMark is a file system microbenchmark in the kernelspace.

[Dependency] fxmark requires python2 and gnuplot

(guest)# sudo apt install python2 gnuplot

To build and run FxMark,

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/benchmarks/fxmark
(guest)$ make
(guest)$ bin/

The make command automatically detect your environment and set the number of cores to test. If you want to change it manually, revise test_hw_thr_cnts_coarse_grain in bin/

The script runs the benchmark and creates a log file fxmark.log under logs directory.

To plot the graph, pass the log file with --log option and give a name for an output directory with --out option.

(guest)$ bin/ --log logs/<log_dir>/fxmark.log --ty sc --out <output_dirname>
(guest)$ cat <output_dirname>/mem:tmpfs:MWRL:bufferedio.dat


Metis is a map-reduce library to stress readers-writer lock in the kernel.


(guest)$ sudo apt install libnuma-dev

To build and run,

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/benchmarks/metis
(guest)$ make
(guest)$ obj/app/wrmem -p <num_cpu>

Starting mapreduce
Finished mapreduce
Runtime in milliseconds [2 cores]
		Sample: 1565    Map:    36995   Reduce: 1294    Merge:  0     Sum:     39856   Real:   39857
Number of Tasks
		Sample: 2       Map:    30      Reduce: 439

wordreverseindex: results (TOP 5 from 4394 keys, 536870912 words):
			ABA - 122171
			ABC - 122489
			ABE - 122321
			ABG - 122292
			ABI - 122269

We took the number after Real: which indicates how much time it tooks to complete the workload.


We used the ‘readrandom’ workload of LevelDB, representing an oltp scenario. The workload is affected by the futex system call that manipulates a hashtable using per-bucket spinlock.

Open ~/SynCord/benchmarks/leveldb/ and set cores to match with your environment. Then, set core_per_socket at leveldb-1.20/db/

To build and run LevelDB,

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/benchmarks/leveldb
(guest)$ cd leveldb-1.20
(guest)$ make
(guest)$ cd ..
(guest)$ ./ <output_dir_name>

To get statistics,

(guest)$ python3 <output_dir_name>
#num_threads, fast, slow, tot ops/s
1, 833275.072, 0, 833275.072
2, 624161.158, 617354.500, 1241514.790

Each line of the output shows the number of threads, thorughput of fast and slow cores for AMP machine, and total throughput.


xDir-rename workload is a simple program proposed by SCL lock. The program creates two types of threads: victim threads and bully threads, that both repeatedly performs cross-directory renames. The victim threads repeatedly create a file from empty directory (src_empty) and move it to another empty directory (dst_empty), while bully threads move it to a directory containing 500,000 empty files (dst_500000_files).

Before proceed, create a direcotry temp under xDir-rename and mount it into a separate disk partition, as the benchmark requires to disable dir_index for the partition. The VM image we provided already has sda3 partition with the three directories and 500K files.

If you want to use other directory or partition, change variables at the top of

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/benchmarks/xDir-rename
(guest)$ mkdir temp
(guest)$ sudo mount /dev/sda3 /home/syncord/SynCord/benchmarks/xDir-rename/temp/

To see the benchmark usage:

(guest)$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--scl SCL] n duration bully victim

xDir benchmark creates 3 directories. Two empty directory `src_empty`,
`dst_empty`, and `dst_N_files` directory which has N empty files

positional arguments:
  n           the number of files to creat under `dst_N_files`
  duration    duration in sec to run the benchmark
  bully       the number of bully threads
  victim      the number of victim threads

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --scl SCL   directory path to output/scl directory

To run a single benchmark with specific number of bully and victim threads, use following command:

(guest)$ make
(guest)$ python3 500000 60 2 2
[b] task 0: lock_hold=17232679264, runs=535
[b] task 2: lock_hold=18639737162, runs=550
[v] task 1: lock_hold=16680754, runs=536
[v] task 3: lock_hold=16078292, runs=499
Ops/sec: 212.000000
Bully  Ops/sec: 108.500000
Victim Ops/sec: 103.500000

The result shows that bully threads took the lock almost 1000x longer than victims, with similar chance to grab the lock. You can find fairness, total throughput, and throughput aggregated only for bullies and victims respectively.

The benchmark first turn off dir_index using tune2fs command, and create (or check if they’re already exist) three directories under temp. Then it starts run the benchmark.

SynCord usage

In order to use SynCord, you need to select one of the -syncord variant kernels to start a vm. Basically, the -syncord variant works on identical logic with its static implementation by default.

For example, ShflLock-syncord work just like ShflLock when there’s no policy enabled. Thus, enabling NUMA-aware policy to ShflLock-syncord and CNA-syncord don’t have any benefits but it can show the overhead coming from SynCord compared to its static implementation.

When you follow below guides, please make sure to (i) start a VM with correct kernel version and (ii) to checkout into correct branch of SynCord-linux which is passed to using --linux.

The policy programs described in Guide A to F are already compiled in the provided VM image. Feel free to skip ‘build’ instruction if you want.

Policy Uninstall

The following script file is to uninstall a policy. This is common across all guides.

(guest)$ sudo ~/SynCord/scripts/

Guide A

This is a guide to reproduce Fig 5.

In specific,


Please make sure you’re using the correct kernel version and the SynCord-linux repo is on the correct branch.

(guest)$ uname -r

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord-linux
(guest)$ git checkout -f shfllock-syncord
Switched to branch 'shfllock-syncord'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/shfllock-syncord'.
(guest)$ cp ~/SynCord/scripts/config-syncord .config


To create the NUMA-aware policy for ShflLock, run following commands.

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/
(guest)$ python3 -v --linux ~/SynCord-linux --policy
	policy/numa-grouping --livepatch patches/numa-grouping.patch

This will generate output/numa-grouping directory.

Policy install

To enable the policy:

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/
(guest)$ sudo mount bpffs -t bpf /sys/fs/bpf
(guest)$ sudo ./output/numa-grouping/eBPFGen/numa-grouping
(guest)$ sudo insmod ./output/numa-grouping/LivePatchGen/livepatch-concord.ko

Guide B

This is a guide to reproduce Fig 5.

In specific,


Please make sure you’re using the correct kernel version and the SynCord-linux repo is on the correct branch.

(guest)$ uname -r

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord-linux
(guest)$ git checkout -f cna-syncord
Switched to branch 'cna-syncord'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/cna-syncord'.
(guest)$ cp ~/SynCord/scripts/config-cna .config

[Tips] cna-syncord kernel needs CONFIG_PARAVIRT_SPINLOCKS=y and CONFIG_NUMA_AWARE_SPINLOCKS=y to be set. The sample config file can be found at SynCord/scripts/config-cna. Please make sure those flags are set in the SynCord-linux/.config file to test cna-syncord.


To create the NUMA-aware policy for ShflLock, run following commands. Please make sure the SynCord-linux repo in the guest machine is also pointing to the correct branch.

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/
(guest)$ python3 -v --linux ~/SynCord-linux --policy
	policy/numa-grouping-cna --livepatch patches/numa-grouping-cna.patch

This will generate output/numa-grouping-cna directory.

Policy install

To enable the policy:

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/
(guest)$ sudo mount bpffs -t bpf /sys/fs/bpf
(guest)$ sudo ./output/numa-grouping-cna/eBPFGen/numa-grouping-cna
(guest)$ sudo insmod ./output/numa-grouping-cna/LivePatchGen/livepatch-concord.ko

Guide C

This is a guide to reproduce Fig 7.

Asymmetric multiprocessing(AMP) machine consists of heterogeneous cores: power-efficient slow cores and power-hungry fast cores. Since there is no NUMA-AMP machine yet, we emulate the AMP environment by changing the CPU frequency using cpupower command. ~/SynCord/scripts/ has a sample bash script on how to change the cpu frequency. In our environment, fast cores are 4x faster than slow cores and each socket has 14 fast and 14 slow cores, respectively. Following is the example how we used the script. Please note that this job should be done in the HOST, not in the guest. Moreover, please be aware that forcing maximum frequency might damage your CPU. If you’re not confident to enforce higher frequency for fast cores, you might want to skip these steps modifying the cpu frequency. It’s difficult to see the performance improvement in overall throughput without emulating AMP, but you can still check the impact of the policy that half of the cores are prioritized over other cores.

# To see the default cpu frequency on the system
$ cpupower frequency-info | grep policy
current policy: frequency should be within 1000 MHz and 2.20 GHz.

# To see the hardware limit
$ cpupower frequnecy-info | grep limit
hardware limits: 1000 MHz - 4.00 GHz

$ ./ --help
usage: ./ num_cpu thread_per_core core_per_socket [amp|restore] fast_freq slow_freq

# To emulate AMP
$ ./ 224 1 28 amp 4000000 1000000

# To restore the frequency,
$ ./ 224 1 28 resotre 2200000 100000


Please make sure you’re using the correct kernel version and the SynCord-linux repo is on the correct branch.

(guest)$ uname -r

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord-linux
(guest)$ git checkout -f shfllock-syncord
Switched to branch 'shfllock-syncord'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/shfllock-syncord'.
(guest)$ cp ~/SynCord/scripts/config-syncord .config


(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/
(guest)$ python3 -v --linux ~/SynCord-linux
		--policy policy/amp --livepatch patches/amp.patch

Policy install

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/
(guest)$ sudo mount bpffs -t bpf /sys/fs/bpf
(guest)$ sudo ./output/amp/eBPFGen/amp
(guest)$ sudo insmod ./output/amp/LivePatchGen/livepatch-concord.ko

All the listed benchmark shows total throughput as well as breakdown throughput for fast and slow cores. You can verify AMP policy is working by comparing the throughput between fast and slow cores. The slow cores’ throughput should be restricted and the fast cores’ throughput increases.

Guide D

This is a guide to reproduce Figure 9, *SCL and *NUMA-SCL policy using SynCord.


Please make sure you’re using the correct kernel version and the SynCord-linux repo is on the correct branch.

(guest)$ uname -r

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord-linux
(guest)$ git checkout -f shfllock-syncord
Switched to branch 'shfllock-syncord'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/shfllock-syncord'.
(guest)$ cp ~/SynCord/scripts/config-syncord .config


(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/

# Build *SCL policy
(guest)$ python3 -v --linux_src ~/SynCord-linux
		--policy policy/scl --livepatch patches/scl.patch

# Build *NUMA-SCL policy
(guest)$ python3 -v --linux_src ~/SynCord-linux
		--policy policy/numa-scl --livepatch patches/numa-scl.patch


# One time mounting bpffs
(guest)$ sudo mount bpffs -t bpf /sys/fs/bpf

# Build benchmark and mount temp (See xDir-rename section)

# Run benchmark for 16 threads (8 bullies and 8 victims) with *SCL policy
(guest)$ python3 500000 60 8 8 --scl ~/SynCord/src/concord/output/scl

# Run benchmark for 16 threads (8 bullies and 8 victims) with *NUMA-SCL policy
(guest)$ python3 500000 60 8 8 --scl ~/SynCord/src/concord/output/numa-scl

SCL policy tracks the number of threads using the lock. Once the policy is enabled, it tries to balance the lock hold time across threads. Since the number of lock users is cumulative, the policy should be disabled when a workload is done. Thus, it is recommended to use the policy by passing the compiled output to the script with --scl option. With the option, first enables the policy, run the benchmark, and then uninstall the policy after the benchmark is done.

To reproduce the stock or shfllock in the Fig 9 graph, start the VM with 5.4.0-stock-syncord or 5.4.0-shfllock-syncord kernel and follow xDir-rename instructions. For these two variants, there’s no need to pass --scl option to

Guide E

This is the guide to enable SynCord-lockstat with 10 counters. We already tested this in the quickstart section.


Please make sure you’re using the correct kernel version and the SynCord-linux repo is on the correct branch.

(guest)$ uname -r

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord-linux
(guest)$ git checkout -f stock-syncord
Switched to branch 'stock-syncord'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/stock-syncord'.
(guest)$ cp ~/SynCord/scripts/config-syncord .config


(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord
(guest)$ python3 -v --linux_src ~/SynCord-linux
	--policy policy/lockstat --livepatch patches/lockstat.patch

The Fig13 slowdown graph compares the FxMark results executed on different kernels with profiling features enabled:

Guide F

This is a guide to reproduce per-CPU RW policy (Fig 12).


Please make sure you’re using the correct kernel version and the SynCord-linux repo is on the correct branch.

(guest)$ uname -r

(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord-linux
(guest)$ git checkout -f stock-syncord
Switched to branch 'stock-syncord'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/stock-syncord'.
(guest)$ cp ~/SynCord/scripts/config-syncord .config


(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/
(guest)$ python3 -v --linux_src ~/SynCord-linux --policy
		policy/bravo --livepatch patches/bravo.patch

Policy install

(guest)$ sudo mount bpffs -t bpf /sys/fs/bpf
(guest)$ cd ~/SynCord/src/concord/output/bravo
(guest)$ sudo ./eBPFGen/bravo
(guest)$ sudo insmod ./LivePatchGen/livepatch-concord.ko

How to create the disk image

1. Create a bootable image

First, download a ubuntu 20.04 LTS image (link).

$ wget

Create a storage image.

$ qemu-img create ubuntu-20.04.img 30G

Start QEMU and use the downloaded iso image as a booting disk.

$ ./qemu-system-x86_64 \
	--enable-kvm \
	-m 128G \
	-cpu host \
	-smp cores=28,threads=1,sockets=8 \
	-numa node,nodeid=0,mem=16G,cpus=0-27 \
	-numa node,nodeid=1,mem=16G,cpus=28-55 \
	-numa node,nodeid=2,mem=16G,cpus=56-83 \
	-numa node,nodeid=3,mem=16G,cpus=84-111 \
	-numa node,nodeid=4,mem=16G,cpus=112-139 \
	-numa node,nodeid=5,mem=16G,cpus=140-167 \
	-numa node,nodeid=6,mem=16G,cpus=168-195 \
	-numa node,nodeid=7,mem=16G,cpus=196-223 \
	-drive file=/path/to/created/ubuntu-20.04.img,format=raw \
	-cdrom /path/to/downloaded/ubuntu-20.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso \

Please make sure to have multiple sockets and enough number of cores to evaluate lock scalability on NUMA machine.

If X11 connection is there, you’ll see the QEMU GUI popup window to install ubuntu. Install ubuntu server with OpenSSH package and disabled LVM. Then login to the installed user. If you don’t have X11 connection, please refer this link to setup the image.

Open /etc/default/grub and update GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=ttyS0". This will print initial booting messages to the console on the start of the guest vm. Then, run the following commands to apply the change and shutdown the guest machine.

(guest)$ sudo update-grub
(guest)$ sudo shutdown -h now

Now, you can start your QEMU without the iso file and graphic.

$ ./qemu-system-x86_64 \
	--enable-kvm \
	-m 128G \
	-cpu host \
	-smp cores=28,threads=1,sockets=8 \
	-numa node,nodeid=0,mem=16G,cpus=0-27 \
	-numa node,nodeid=1,mem=16G,cpus=28-55 \
	-numa node,nodeid=2,mem=16G,cpus=56-83 \
	-numa node,nodeid=3,mem=16G,cpus=84-111 \
	-numa node,nodeid=4,mem=16G,cpus=112-139 \
	-numa node,nodeid=5,mem=16G,cpus=140-167 \
	-numa node,nodeid=6,mem=16G,cpus=168-195 \
	-numa node,nodeid=7,mem=16G,cpus=196-223 \
	-drive file=/path/to/created/ubuntu-20.04.img,format=raw \
	-nographic \
	-overcommit mem-lock=off \
	-device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6 \
	-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 \
	-netdev user,id=hostnet0,hostfwd=tcp::4444-:22 \
	-qmp tcp:,server,nowait \

2. Install custom kernel

To use custom kernel, you have two options.

First, compile the kernel and install it within the guest vm.
Or, compile the kernel in the host machine and pass it to the qemu via -kernel option.

The second option is more convenient for frequent kernel changes, but it still requires one time static install for kernel modules. SynCord-linux has three lock implementation all based on linux kernel v5.4, so you can reuse kernel modules across the three branches (stock, cna, shfllock) once installed.

To build and install a kernel inside the vm, first clone the SynCord-linux repo and resolve dependencies.

(guest)$ git clone -b stock
(guest)$ cd SynCord-linux

[Dependency] You may need following commands to build linux

(guest) $ sudo apt-get install build-essential libncurses5 libncurses5-dev bin86 \
	kernel-package libssl-dev bison flex libelf-dev

[Dependency] In addition, please make sure you’re using gcc-7.

(guest) $ gcc -v
gcc version 7.5.0 (Ubuntu 7.5.0-6ubuntu2)

Before start compilation, please make sure CONFIG_PARAVIRT_SPINLOCKS is not set in your .config file.

(guest)$ make -j <num_threads>
(guest)$ sudo make modules_install
(guest)$ sudo make install
(guest)$ sudo shutdown -h now		# Install complete. Shut down guest machine

Now, in the host machine, you can choose a branch you want to use and then start a qemu with that lock implementation. Please make sure you’re using gcc-7 here too.

$ gcc -v
gcc version 7.5.0

$ git clone
$ cd ~/SynCord-linux
$ git checkout -t origin/stock		# or select origin/cna, origin/shfllock
$ make -j <num_threads>

$ ./qemu-system-x86_64 \
	--enable-kvm \
	-m 128G \
	-cpu host \
	-smp cores=28,threads=1,sockets=8 \
	-numa node,nodeid=0,mem=16G,cpus=0-27 \
	-numa node,nodeid=1,mem=16G,cpus=28-55 \
	-numa node,nodeid=2,mem=16G,cpus=56-83 \
	-numa node,nodeid=3,mem=16G,cpus=84-111 \
	-numa node,nodeid=4,mem=16G,cpus=112-139 \
	-numa node,nodeid=5,mem=16G,cpus=140-167 \
	-numa node,nodeid=6,mem=16G,cpus=168-195 \
	-numa node,nodeid=7,mem=16G,cpus=196-223 \
	-drive file=/path/to/created/ubuntu-20.04.img,format=raw \
	-nographic \
	-overcommit mem-lock=off \
	-device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6 \
	-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 \
	-netdev user,id=hostnet0,hostfwd=tcp::4444-:22 \
	-qmp tcp:,server,nowait \
	-kernel ~/SynCord-linux/arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
	-append "root=/dev/sda2 console=ttyS0" \

The uname -r command confirms that the current guest VM is booted using the custom kernel.

(guest)$ uname -r

3. Setup SynCord

Inside the guest VM, clone the SynCord and SynCord-linux repositories.

install dependencies and build:

$ sudo apt install python3-pip clang llvm
$ pip3 install gitpython
$ cd ~/Syncord/src/kpatch && make